Author Archives: Andre Jodoin

Andre Jodoin is an artist currently working with digital image processing and video display. He has been exhibiting since 1980, In 2012 his digital-image series, Vanitas 16:9 was part of an exhibition entitled “Know-How or No-How?” at Galerie der HBKsaar, Saarbruken, Germany and was also shown at l’Endroit indiqué, Montreal. He studied art and philosophy at York University, Toronto (MFA, MA) and communications at Concordia University, Montreal. Jodoin has also taught at universities and art colleges in five provinces, mainly in the areas of art history and film history. He currently lives in Toronto.


Practical Knowledge for Art and Design

How can theorizing one’s practice bear on the task of critical thinking? We have artists who are now graduating from doctoral programs. We know that many of these artists are extremely competent. They know their aesthetic theory. They know their art history. Many of them know complex technological processes. And many of them already produce engaged and occasionally exciting works. What more can one want from an educational program? Is there any serious problem here? The answer is yes...