Author Archives: Stephen Horne

Stephen Horne has published in a number of periodicals (Third Text, Parachute, Art Press, Flash Art, Canadian Art, C Magazine, ArtAsiaPacific, and Fuse), catalogues (including the recent National Gallery of Canada catalogue for the exhibition Caught In The Act) and anthologies in English, French and German. He edited the anthology Fiction, or Other Accounts of Photography (Dazibao, Montreal, 2000). A book of his essays,  Abandon Building: Selected Writings on Art, was published in 2007  (Press Eleven, Montreal). Horne has organized exhibitions in Canada, France and Germany, most recently Know-How or No-How at Galerie der HBKsaar, Saarbruken. He was Professor in Media Arts at NSCAD University from 1979 to 2005, and also taught at Concordia University in the MFA Seminars Program from 1992 – 2000. He currently lives in Montreal and is researching the topics of performativity and public space in the context of media.

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Hal Foster: The Art – Architecture Complex

REVIEW Perhaps what is needed, following Hal Foster’s denunciations of design as mere consumerist manipulation in the service of greater efficiencies for capitalism, is recognition of a more general outline. That would be one that attributes the root of the problem more deeply in a description of the rationalist prejudices that dominate our thinking and being. For the style of critique demonstrated by Foster and his colleagues this would be bad news, leaving them revealed as a part of the problem in so far as their project is itself inextricably dedicated to the founding of criticality in a modernity already itself a practice of instrumental rationality.